Here we are into 2024 already! We hope you had some downtime over the holidays, because if you are anything like us, you are feeling things ramp up for another year. 2023 was a very busy and exciting year for CFMS, and we are looking forward to some of the projects we’ve been working on reach their completion, and project that are just starting to get going. Here’s a look at some of the project we have been busy providing commissioning for:
In December Ādisōke shared their ‘Fall Update’, highlighting a major milestone – the completion of the pouring of all 5 floors. To pair with this, they also unveiled their new branding and website. By December the building was really starting to take shape, with the installation of the unique tree-like branch columns. The building is expected to become water tight soon! Read the full update for more info and photos of the progress being made for 2026 completion.
We’ve also been busy working on the new Wasaga Beach Twin Pad Arena and Library, which has an exciting unveiling and opening ceremonies coming up for Family Day with a festival that includes Canadian music icons such as Blue Rodeo and Burton Cummings. You won’t want to miss the ‘Breaking the Ice’ Festival! The town took possession of the facility late November, and all the finishing touches are underway. Family Day is a perfect time to open the long awaited facility that will be enjoyed by the Wasaga Beach area community.
In September, Centennial College’s Block A Expansion opened Canada’s first LEED Gold, zero carbon, mass timber, higher-education building! Students, staff and faculty who arrived on campus for the fall semester were welcomed into an inclusively and sustainably designed building guided by the Indigenous concept of ‘two-eyed seeing,’ or viewing the world through the lens of both Indigenous and Western knowledge. Highlights: Zero carbon certification was achieved thanks in large part to a highly efficient building envelope, along with all-electric domestic hot water heating and HVAC systems. A solar photovoltaic panel array on the roof will generate enough electricity to offset the facility’s electricity use by 68,000 kilowatt hours annually, which will contribute to its LEED Gold certification.
This summer River & Fifth Condos topped off at 37 storeys. Construction began during the pandemic with a virtual ground breaking and other pandemic challenges, but the team really pulled together to stick to the project schedule. With a unique positioning on the edge of the Don Valley, it’s another landmark Toronto condominium project we are proud to have provided commissioning for.
Our work with school boards also kept us busy last year and will continue into 2024, working with long term clients the York Region, Simcoe County, Toronto Catholic, Near North District School Boards among others on new schools, replacement schools, additions, renovations and upgrades to ensure elementary and secondary students and their faculty have the best learning conditions possible.
Upcoming we have ongoing work on Community Recreation Centres, Condominiums, Health Facilities, Fire/Paramedic Station and more – so stay tuned for new website news, blogs and project profiles highlighting the work of the CFMS team!